Claim Your Apple Maps Listing: Put Your Business on the Digital Map!
Ready to put your business on the map? With Apple Maps, you can guide customers straight to your doorstep. Let’s […]

Your Pets and the Fourth of July: Ensuring a Safe and Enjoyable Holiday
Fun on the Fourth of July not only includes friends and family—our furry companions are also a part of it! […]

Rescuing and Fostering Animals at Home
Animal overpopulation is becoming a bigger and bigger problem, but there is hope. People willing to take on the responsibility […]

Why Is Facebook still a top platform for businesses?
Although new social media platforms become popular each day, there are several reasons why a business should still consider using […]

5 tips to keep your dog healthy and happy this spring!
Spring is a beautiful time of the year when the weather warms up, the flowers bloom, and the days become […]

Little Dog Supports Detroit Dog Rescue!
It’s not often that our passion for animals collides with our niche market of serving Independent Insurance Agents, but when […]

How Does a Social Media Presence Impact Your Business?
In today’s digital age, having a strong social media presence has become essential for businesses to thrive. With the rise […]

“The road to success is always under construction.” – Lily Tomlin
We believe this is why Little Dog has remained so successful. We are constantly learning and growing as a company. […]

Social Media Trends to be Ready for in 2023
Social media plays an integral part in our lives, especially in post-Covid times. It is estimated that 4.62 billion people […]

Our agency is growing again and conquering the west! Until today, we served clients along the west coast in California, […]