Happy Howl-o-ween from Little Dog Social Media!
If you haven’t noticed by now, we’re animal people! We believe that every holiday is better when you get to celebrate with your pets. Here are a few of our furry friends who joined their owners in the spooky Halloween fun!
Sammy, Marketing Manager Cherish’s sweet pup, is ready for a fiesta!
Account Groomer Susan’s cat is ready to do some tricks for treats!
It’s a family affair for Account Groomer Jessica and her rodeo!
Jessica’s daughter Rylee is a Cowgirl this Halloween, her boxer Bear is a horse, and ducky the hound is Rylee’s loyal pup
You can trust Graphic designer Joe’s dog to deliver your packages on time!
Marley, Account Groomer Shelby’s pup, loves his bones!
Do you like to dress your pet for the ghoulish holiday? We’d love to see some adorably costumed pets in our comments!
Little Dog Social Media is a team of social media marketers and website designers located in Cumberland, Maryland. We specialize in content creation and online reputation management for businesses across multiple industries including independent insurance agencies, real estate agents, doctor’s offices, and more! If you’d like additional information about the services we provide, please visit littledogsocialmedia.com.