How to keep your pets safe and warm during the Fall season.
Just like us our pets too are experiencing the changes of the season. As we are enjoying the change in the landscape, going on hay rides, picking pumpkins and having some version of pumpkin spice our pets are counting on us to make sure they are safe and warm as the temps start to drop.
Here are some tips to keep your fur baby safe and happy during the fall months.
Source: ASPCA
Keep School Supplies Out of Paws’ Reach
Fall is back-to-school time, and those of you with young children know that means stocking up on items like glue sticks, pencils and magic markers. Although these items are considered low toxicity to pets, gastrointestinal upset and blockages can occur if ingested. Be sure your children keep their school supplies out of your pet’s reach.
Watch Out for Wildlife
Autumn is the season when snakes are preparing for hibernation, increasing the possibility of bites to those unlucky pets who find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. Pet parents should know what kinds of venomous snakes may be lurking in their environment—and where those snakes are most likely to be found—so pets can be kept out of those areas.
Steer Clear of Mushrooms
Fall and spring are mushroom seasons. While 99% of mushrooms have little or no toxicity, the 1% that are highly toxic can cause life-threatening problems in pets. Since most toxic mushrooms are difficult to distinguish from nontoxic ones, the best way to prevent pets from ingesting these poisonous plants is to keep them away from areas where any mushrooms are growing.
Source: ASPCA
Beware of anti-freeze! Ingesting antifreeze is lethal. Unfortunately both cats and dogs have been known to lick this sweet tasting substance. Make sure to check your car for leaks and make sure all bottles are stored far away from your pets.
Don’t leave your pets outside for prolonged periods of time. It doesn’t have to be Winter for it to get cold–especially for puppies, senior pets and smaller animals.
Beware of ticks. It’s still tick season and playing in the cool autumn leaves is one of the many ways your pooch could get them. Consider using a natural tick repellent to help protect your pet.
Let em’ have their fur coat. If you have a dog that you shave during the summer, let him start growing his coat back in the fall. Just like you need your Fall/Winter coat he’ll needs his too.
Source: Pet Hub
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