Keeping Your Pet Safe and Happy During Firework Season
Cookouts, apple pie, and fireworks! Can you guess which holiday is coming up this weekend? Even though this year has proven to make crowded celebrations like parades and carnivals difficult to execute, many towns are still celebrating Independence Day with a fireworks display!
Most of us are thankful to have a simple reminder of what life was like before the pandemic, but one group who may not be as excited for a booming display of lights is our dogs! Did you know more dogs run away on the 4th of July than any other day during the year?
Here are some tips to keep your fur baby safe, and happy while you enjoy the holiday!
- If you are going to a public place to watch fireworks, don’t bring your dog! Sorry to say, your dog just doesn’t care about fireworks, and it’s probably causing them unnecessary It also increases the chances of your dog running away in an unfamiliar place. Leave them home so you know where they are at all times.
- Create a safe place in your home. Make your dog comfortable by creating a den where they feel safe. Consider putting this comfy den in an area that doesn’t have any windows so they don’t see any flashing lights.
- Give them a special treat for the evening. Giving your dog a bone to chew on for the evening will help distract them from anything unsettling happening outside. It’s also a great way to ease their stress and feel comforted if you won’t be home during the fireworks.
- Help your dog get used to the sound of fireworks. If you live in an area that has attractions like amusement parks or minor league baseball stadiums nearby, chances are fireworks are a problem for your pet more than once a year. Vets suggest playing fireworks sounds at lower volumes so your pet will start to recognize these noises as normal.
- Tire your dog out! It never hurts to give your dog extra love and attention anytime you plan to be out of the house for an evening. Take your dog to the park for a run, or play fetch for an extra hour in the back yard on the 4th. Having a tuckered out pup will help you feel secure that they won’t run away when the fireworks begin!
We hope these tips will help your entire family, including your dog, enjoy a safe and happy independence day!
Little Dog Social Media is a team of social media marketers and website designers located in Cumberland, Maryland. We specialize in content creation and online reputation management for independently owned businesses across multiple industries. For additional information about the services we provide, please visit littledogsocialmedia.com